The Eucharist-A Miracle in Our Midst!

The Eucharist is the ‘source and summit’ of our Christian life as the second Vatican Council informed us.

Eucharist means ‘thanksgiving’ and the Eucharist IS the actual Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ which on earth offers an incessant hymn of thanksgiving to the Eternal Father, the Father of all goodness.
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A miracle-Jesus truly present in the Eucharistic host

Jesus in His great love for us invented a tremendous and miraculous way to stay with us until the end of time, just as He promised us He would at the end of the Gospels.
The Risen Jesus is as physically present with us now on earth in every Catholic Church Tabernacle and in every Host as he was with his apostles before the Ascension or with Emmaus disciples.
The only difference is that our senses cannot ‘see’ or hear Jesus, but with our eyes of faith and our eyes of love, we see Him-hidden in His marvellous humility.
St Thomas Aquinas, the most learned of theologians, tells us that the Eucharistic presence of Jesus can’t be discerned by human sense but only with the heart.

A wonderful website with excellent Eucharistic information and details of scientifically verified miracles can be at The Real found here.

May the Eucharist always be the source and summit of our faith and the promise and reassurance of our life to come.

As St Peter Julian Eymard said, ‘The Holy Eucharist is the perfect expression of the love of Jesus Christ for man, since It is the quintessence of all the mysteries of his life’ (1811-1868)