23 Minutes in Hell by Bill Weise

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In 1917 when Our Lady appeared at Fatima to the three children she said poignantly:

“Many souls go to hell because there is no one to pray and sacrifice for them”

She was being serious and for me they are the sadness words I have ever heard.

The following video, by Bill Weise, a Christian, explains his own experience of hell.

23 minutes in hell

Half way through this video there is a ‘video’ of hell and for me, this is the best and most thought provoking, bring you to your knees, image of hell I have ever seen. The person who made that clip must have seen it with their own eyes I am sure.

Here’s the link to Bill Weise’s video.

At the end Bill speaks about salvation re his theological background which isn’t fully in accordance with Catholic teaching-just a note of caution so listen with discernment. This video shouldn’t be ignored because of the bit at the end I believe it’s too important to ignore.

Here’s the link again to Bill Weise’s

23 minutes in hell


St Therese Novena

St Therese Novena Prayer

St Therese the Little Flower,

please send us a rose from the Heavenly garden,

with a message of love.

Ask God to grant us the favour we implore

and help us to love him more and more


(Ask God for the gift or grace you desire)

Within nine days or sooner after someone should give you a rose which is St Therese saying she has heard your prayer!

One time I prayed this prayer someone gave me a bunch of roses AND a copy of St Therese’s autobiography-just in case I thought it was a coincidence! The person didn’t know I was saying the Novena or indeed about the Novena, they just said they felt called to give me flowers and their copy of St Therese’s Book!

The 24 Glory Be’s of Novena of St Therese

Another powerful devotion used by St Therese devotees is to pray 24 Glory Be’s to the Holy Trinity for an intention and in St Teresa’s honour, this is powerful prayer of praise to the most Holy Trinity and one that St Therese loves to hear prayed in honour of her short but wonder working life on earth of 24 years. A Glory Be for every year of her life-how marvellous! You can order prayer beads for this on Amazon by the way and they are really useful.